Website Manager

American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Region 286 - Roy, Hooper, & Western Weber County

Weather & Cancellation Policy

  • Always assume "game on" unless you hear from your coach or until a cancellation is posted on our  Facebook page and/or email sent out.
  • The decision to cancel will try to be made 30 minutes prior to start of game based on CONDITIONS AT THE SOCCER FIELDS. In the event of a severe weather warning, cancellations may be made sooner. Weather can vary greatly around the cities. Do not assume that the weather at your house is the same as at the fields (unless you live by the fields).
  • We cancel games due to: lightning/thunder, field is completely under water, or city mandate. We don't cancel merely because it's raining or snowing!
  • Please note that game status is subject to change and cancellation updates may not be posted on the website or our Facebook page in time for your game. 
  • We may cancel games on some fields and not others; cancellation may occur at any time. We strongly advise that coaches and parents exchange cell phone numbers so that notice of last-minute cancellations can spread quickly.
  • Game cancellations in advance can only be made by the Regional Commissioner. Game-time cancellations on the field can also be made by the coaches or referee based on observed conditions.   For team practices it is up to each team's coach to determine whether to practice or cancel.
  • Coaches who choose to cancel a game need to email [email protected]. Please include what division, teams, and time of the game being cancelled and include the date and time of the makeup game. This allows us to update your game schedule, and if referees are involved to cancel them and get them scheduled for your makeup game.
  • We adhere to the AYSO National Guidelines on severe weather. According to these Guidelines, thunder and lightning are treated in THE EXACT SAME MANNER. Our first concern in the presence of lightning is the safety of our players and families. Should lightning be seen or thunder heard, coaches or referees will stop the game or practice.  Players, spectators and coaches are advised to immediately clear the field and seek shelter in either a vehicle or appropriate structure (trees are not considered safe shelter). 
  • Games or practice should not resume until 30 minutes have passed from the most recent recognition of either thunder or lightning. Each instance of thunder or lightning during the period of delay will result in a reset of the 30-minute period. Note that in many cases, the initial delay will result in termination of the match because another match is scheduled on the same field.  
  • We realize that in some instances, it may intuitively appear that the danger is either remote or has passed. Nevertheless, the full 30-minute waiting period shall be observed.  Nobody should gamble with the safety of our players, volunteers, and spectators. 

Field Directory


Emma Russell Park

5700 S 4300 W Roy Utah United States 84067

(Last updated 08/20/23 at 02:02 PM )

View Directions

Field 1 - 15U/19U

for today only (last updated 24/14/21 at 06:14 PM)

(Last updated 04/21/24 at 04:14 PM )

Field 2 - 12U

for today only (last updated 24/15/21 at 06:15 PM)

(Last updated 04/21/24 at 04:15 PM )

Field 3 -10U

for today only (last updated 24/16/21 at 06:16 PM)

(Last updated 04/21/24 at 04:17 PM )

Field 4 - 10U

for today only (last updated 24/16/21 at 06:16 PM)

(Last updated 04/21/24 at 04:17 PM )

Field 5 - 12U

for today only (last updated 24/16/21 at 06:16 PM)

(Last updated 04/21/24 at 04:17 PM )

Field 6 - 6U/8U

for today only (last updated 24/12/21 at 06:12 PM)

(Last updated 04/21/24 at 04:15 PM )

Field 7 - 6U/8U

for today only (last updated 24/12/21 at 06:12 PM)

(Last updated 04/21/24 at 04:15 PM )

Field 8 - 6U/8U

for today only (last updated 24/11/21 at 06:11 PM)

(Last updated 04/21/24 at 04:15 PM )

Field 9 - 6U/8U

for today only (last updated 24/11/21 at 06:11 PM)

(Last updated 04/21/24 at 04:15 PM )

Friendship Park

650 East 5500 South South Ogden Utah United States 84405

(Last updated 09/01/20 at 11:13 AM )

View Directions

Friendship Large

(Last updated 09/01/20 at 11:13 AM )

9th Street Park

900 Liberty Avenue Ogden Utah United States 84404

(Last updated 09/02/20 at 07:47 AM )

View Directions

Field 1

(Last updated 09/02/20 at 07:47 AM )

West Point Junior High School

2775 West 550 North West Point Utah United States 84015

(Last updated 03/08/21 at 01:56 PM )

View Directions

12 U Field

(Last updated 03/08/21 at 01:56 PM )

South Weber Central Park

7355 South 1375 East South Weber Utah United States 84405

(Last updated 09/04/21 at 09:14 PM )

View Directions

Field 1

(Last updated 09/04/21 at 09:50 PM )

Eden Park

2100 S 5600 E Eden Utah United States 84310

(Last updated 09/04/21 at 09:17 PM )

View Directions

12U North

(Last updated 09/05/21 at 02:05 PM )

West Ogden Park

2452 F Avenue Ogden Utah United States 84401

(Last updated 09/04/21 at 09:20 PM )

View Directions

Field 1

(Last updated 09/05/21 at 12:55 PM )

Huntsville Park

7400 East 200 South Huntsville Utah United States 84317

(Last updated 03/27/22 at 07:08 PM )

View Directions

Field 1

(Last updated 03/27/22 at 07:08 PM )

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Contact Us


Roy, Utah 84067

Email Us: [email protected]
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